Fighting flash fraud on Ebay

The authors of this blog want to elimnate flash fraud on Ebay

Archive for December 31st, 2010

Counterfeit 64GB Kingston DT200 flash drives on ebay from nasherr

The 64GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 USB flash drives in this ebay listing from nasherr (item number 230568598710) are without a shadow of a doubt fake capacity counterfeits – they are the wrong colour to be genuine. Anyone buying one of these USB flash drives will find it corrupts their files.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

fake 64GB Kingston flash drive from ebay seller jerseyfan72

The 64GB Kingston DataTraveler USB flash drive in this ebay listing from jerseyfan72 is a very obvious fake capacity counterfeit that corrupts files. A genuine one would not be this colour! As this is fake it is likely that other flash memory items from this seller will also be fakes.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

256GB DT310 flash drives in ebay auctions from supernova.1771

If the 256GB Kingston DataTraveler 310 flash drives being auctioned on ebay by supernova.1771 are genuine the seller risks making a big loss on the auctions. Buyers can check whether or not a Kingston flash drive is genuine quite easily – here are the steps:

  1. Look at the back of the pack – is there a serial number?
  2. If there is no serial number (there should be a label showing this) then it is sure to be a fake capacity counterfeit that corrupts files – but the presence of a serial number does not, in itself, guarantee it is genuine.

  3. Look at the USB connector – is there engraving on it giving details about the flash drive?
  4. If there is no engraving you can be sure it is a counterfeit that will trash your files – but again, the presence of engraving does not in itself guarantee it is genuine.

  5. If both a serial number and engraving are present try verifying the serial number with Kingston.
  6. If Kingston cannot verify the serial number then you have a fake capacity counterfeit and your data will become lost or corrupted after a while.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

128GB Kingston flash drives from ebayer chris_rosalie likely fakes

The buy it now price for 128GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 flash drives from ebayer chris_rosalie seems a bit too low for them to be genuine. Buyers can check whether or not a Kingston flash drive is genuine quite easily – here are the steps:

  1. Look at the back of the pack – is there a serial number?
  2. If there is no serial number (there should be a label showing this) then it is sure to be a fake capacity counterfeit that corrupts files – but the presence of a serial number does not, in itself, guarantee it is genuine.

  3. Look at the USB connector – is there engraving on it giving details about the flash drive?
  4. If there is no engraving you can be sure it is a counterfeit that will trash your files – but again, the presence of engraving does not in itself guarantee it is genuine.

  5. If both a serial number and engraving are present try verifying the serial number with Kingston.
  6. If Kingston cannot verify the serial number then you have a fake capacity counterfeit and your data will become lost or corrupted after a while.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

256GB Corsair flash drives from ebayer brent5545 sure to be fake

If Corsair did make 256GB USB flash drives then they would cost more than the buy it now price in this ebay listing from brent5545. As Corsair do not make flash drives of a higher capacity than 128GB the USB flash drives in this ebay listing are fake capacity counterfeits and anyone who buys one will find it corrupts their files.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

c.i.vatfreepcs lists 64GB Corsair flash drives in private one day ebay auctions

We doubt that the 64GB Corsair flash drives being sold in this ebay listing (item number 110630237287) and other private one day auctions by c.i.vatfreepcs will prove to be genuine, it seems more likely that they will be fake capacity counterfeits. In the unlikely event that they are genuine the seller stands to make a big loss on sales by using short auctions with a low start price. If they are counterfeits then anyone buying one of these USB flash drives will find it corrupts their files.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

how many foolish ebayers will buy these known fake flash drives?

We wonder how many foolish ebayers will waste their money buying a fake 256GB flash drive from bracefaceyourself without having read the listing – after all the seller states categorically that they do not have 256GB capacity – and a fake capacity flash drive always corrupts files. We wouldn’t mind betting there will be a few silly people who part with 59 dollars 98 cents (Australian) for one of these instead of having the sense to go and buy a real 16GB or 32GB flash drive from a reputable retailer!

Written by fightflashfraud

December 31, 2010 at 1:08 PM

dongwen-1 sells fake flash memory items on ebay that corrupt files

The 128GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 flash drives being sold on ebay by dongwen-1 are fake capacity counterfeits and anyone who buys one of these USB flash drives will find it corrupts their files. The same goes for the 32GB Sandisk memory cards sold by dongwen-1 – anyone buying a memory card can kiss goodbye to their photos etc!

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

256GB Kingston DT310 flash drive in ebay auction from

In the unlikely event that this 256GB Kingston DataTraveler 310 flash drive being auctioned on ebay by is genuine it looks as though the seller will make a loss. Buyers can check whether or not a Kingston flash drive is genuine quite easily – here are the steps:

  1. Look at the back of the pack – is there a serial number?
  2. If there is no serial number (there should be a label showing this) then it is sure to be a fake capacity counterfeit that corrupts files – but the presence of a serial number does not, in itself, guarantee it is genuine.

  3. Look at the USB connector – is there engraving on it giving details about the flash drive?
  4. If there is no engraving you can be sure it is a counterfeit that will trash your files – but again, the presence of engraving does not in itself guarantee it is genuine.

  5. If both a serial number and engraving are present try verifying the serial number with Kingston.
  6. If Kingston cannot verify the serial number then you have a fake capacity counterfeit and your data will become lost or corrupted after a while.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

128GB DT200 in ebay auction from raducul likely to be counterfeit

We think it very likely that this 128GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 USB flash drive being auctioned on ebay by raducul will turn out to be a fake capacity counterfeit that corrupts files. Buyers can check whether or not a Kingston flash drive is genuine quite easily – here are the steps:

  1. Look at the back of the pack – is there a serial number?
  2. If there is no serial number (there should be a label showing this) then it is sure to be a fake capacity counterfeit that corrupts files – but the presence of a serial number does not, in itself, guarantee it is genuine.

  3. Look at the USB connector – is there engraving on it giving details about the flash drive?
  4. If there is no engraving you can be sure it is a counterfeit that will trash your files – but again, the presence of engraving does not in itself guarantee it is genuine.

  5. If both a serial number and engraving are present try verifying the serial number with Kingston.
  6. If Kingston cannot verify the serial number then you have a fake capacity counterfeit and your data will become lost or corrupted after a while.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

fake 256GB Kingston flash drives from ebayer spacecityseller

The supposedly 256GB Kingston flash drives being auctioned on ebay by spacecityseller are fake capacity counterfeits and anyone who buys one will find it corrupts their files.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

256GB DT310 flash drives from ebayer kendra719 sure to be fakes

The 256GB Kingston DataTraveler 310 USB flash drives being sold on ebay by kendra719 are too cheap to be anything other than fake capacity counterfeits and anyone who buys one will find it corrupts their files.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.