Fighting flash fraud on Ebay

The authors of this blog want to elimnate flash fraud on Ebay

Archive for September 4th, 2009

Is this 32GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 on ebay genuine?

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We have our doubts about this 32GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 being genuine. There are a number of reasons for this. This ebay member has no feedback as a seller and is using a private listing to sell these – often a sign of fraud when selling flash memory.

If deals_4_u_2009 was an authorised re-seller then this seller would have got them directly from Kingston. In that case (as Kingston has stringent quality control procedures) why would the seller feel the need to open the package to check they are working? The seller states in the listing:

This Item has been opened for testing purposes to make sure it’s fully working.

Obviously deals_4_u_2009 is not an authorised re-seller supplied directly by Kingston, then. So how is it that deals_4_u_2009 can offer these at a lower price than any authorised re-seller we can find? We can only think of one answer. We expect you can all guess what we think!

Buyers should be able to check the serial number with Kingston (unless of course there isn’t one) to ensure that high capacity Kingston flash drives are genuine. We have a feeling…

The words not, touch and bargepole seem to be in my mind at this moment – but of course the team could be wrong. We do have unfounded suspicions once in a blue moon – but these cases have always turned out to be old stock with out of date software, which can’t be the case here.

test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 8:45 PM

United States ebayer offering 128GB swivel type USB flash drive??

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We will be very surprised if the 128GB USB flash drives listed on ebay by seller bethesdawater prove to be genuine. We have three reasons for saying this:

Firstly, members of the team conduct research into what new drives are available fairly regularly and we have not come across this 128GB model. We have come across some genuine 128GB USB flash drives but, as yet, there are very few models.

This leads us to doubt that it could be genuine. There are lots of fakes around of this and higher capacities but only a tiny range of genuine ones. There are no genuine USB flash drives at all above 256GB at the moment, by the way – so if you see one of a higher capacity than 256gb anywhere you can be sure it is fake fake fakity fake!

The second reason for suspecting that this is a fake capacity flash drive is price – the genuine ones are a lot more expensive than this! The final reason is the use of a private auction; often a sign of fraud when it comes to flash drive sales. However, given the type of items this seller generally lists, this may just be habit.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 6:08 PM

This flash drive from China is fake fake fakity-fake

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dreamonlineshop This is not a genuine 64GB Kingston flash drive – this model is not made in 64GB capacity. It’s a fake and will cause the user’s files to become lost or corrupted after a while.

We wouldn’t consider buying any flash memory item from seller dreamonlineshop – usually we find that all items from ebay sellers in China spotted with one fake sell nothing but fakes (or very cheap non memory items to build up their feedback) – steer clear of this seller!

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 3:44 PM

Bold young Gremlin lists favourite fake in 64GB flavour on ebay

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gremlin2sHere we have a young gremlin listing the fraudster’s favourite flash drive for reprogramming to fake capacities.

This gremlin is boldly offering a larger fake capacity than most fraudsters – a whopping 63GB. Plenty of opportunity to lose all your important data here then! You have the option of losing only half the ammount of data by purchasing one of the 32GB models offered by lhhshop168.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 1:45 PM

Another baby gremlin from China with a single listing on ebay

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gremlin2sThe ID huuuuup is obviously considered disposable by our fraudster friends in China as there is only a single multiple-item buy it now listing. We expect this is a hit and run operation – sell as much as possible from one listing before being caught. Even though the ID will no doubt be suspended by ebay in the end; the seller will still have made a profit as most ebayers take things on face value and don’t test their flash drives – very unwise indeed.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 11:38 AM

These 32GB memory sticks sold on ebay must be fake capacity

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Seller hababou1275, registered on ebay France, has sold many of these 32GB memory sticks in private auctions on ebay. If they were genuine the seller would be hugely out of pocket as he or she would have made a loss on almost every sale.

As the seller is still listing in private auctions with a low start price we can only conclude that these are fake capacity items purchase from a fraudulent wholesaler. After all – would you keep selling things if you were losing money on every single sale? No? We don’t think hababou1275 would either – therefore they must have been purchased at a price so low that it is impossible for them to be genuine.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 9:12 AM

We suspect this Kingston flash drive sold on ebay is counterfeit

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We suspect that this 16GB Kingston DataTraveler 200 may well be counterfeit – would you auction something new that is worth over £100 with a start price lower than you paid? No? Neither would we. If we are wrong the seller made a loss on this and also on the 128GB model sold. Buyers can check the serial number with Kingston to find out whether the item is genuine – we think we know the answer.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 7:12 AM

More counterfeit DT150 and other fake Kingston removed from ebay

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A lot of the counterfeit Kingston flash drives such as the 64GB DataTraveler USB flash drives listed (see above) by dc!ect and many other sellers and the fraudulently reprogrammed or entirely counterfeit ones like those listed by bysino888 (see below) have been removed by ebay recently.


If you bought a Kingston flash drive on ebay and it has vanished from your won list it is because it was counterfeit and Kingston made ebay remove it from sale. If you have not paid already, then don’t! Contact ebay about it. If you did pay then claim a refund through paypal. There is no excuse for paypal not providing you with a full refund as ebay are aware your purchase was a counterfeit.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 4, 2009 at 6:53 AM