Fighting flash fraud on Ebay

The authors of this blog want to elimnate flash fraud on Ebay

Archive for September 1st, 2009

Are these Sandisk Ultra Backup flash drives on ebyay genuine?

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The Sandisk Ultra Backup flash drives sold on ebay by fxtronics seem a little on the cheap side. These are either a bargain or counterfeits purchased from a fraudulent wholesaler in the Orient. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

A 16GB flash drive on ebay for £5? These just have to be fake!

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We have news for UK ebay seller rawlogistics2009. It is simply not possible to buy genuine 16GB USB flash drives at a price that would allow you to sell it on ebay with free P&P. What you are selling here simply has to be fake fake fakity fake. Of course the seller could already know this; the tiny picture makes us wonder…

Anyone who buys one will end up with lost and corrupted files. We strongly suggest that rawlogistics2009 remove these from sale, tests them with h2testw and refunds any poor soul that has been daft enough to buy one if (as we expect) they fail this test.

If you choose not to follow this advice then you are likely to end up with negative feedback and an ebay suspension. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 10:37 PM

Suspect 64GB DataTraveler drives from UK ebay seller

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We think the 64GB DataTraveler 150 flash drives sold by auctionshop1 will prove to be counterfeit and fake capacity. If they are genuine then buyers will be able to check the serial numbers with Kingston. The use of private sales makes us sure they will not check out and Kingston will not be able to verify the serial numbers.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 9:22 PM

Seems this ebayer bought flash memory from a fraudulent supplier

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Canadian seller david2008y seems to have bought flash drives from one of the many fraudulent wholesalers in the orient who sell fake capacity and counterfeit memory items.

We think the flash drives being sold by this ebay member will prove to be fake capacity (probably 2GB flash drives programmed to appear to be 16GB when you look at the properties) – the seller may be entirely unaware that these are likely to be fake capacity.

Please folks – if you plan to sell flash memory (USB flash drives/pens, memory cards/sticks or MP players) on ebay do your research first! You cannot buy genuine 16GB items at prices which allow you to sell at this price!! You will be selling fakes which eventually cause your buyers to find their files are lost/corrupted.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 7:36 PM

Seems we have a new ebay ID for a known fraudster here

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Beware of buying flash drives from seller id1_pro. Why? Because they will all be fake capacity as it seems that known fraudster ionedream has simply changed ID to try and continue defrauding ebayers. We warned about this seller on July 28th and sosfakeflash published an alert on July 29th. The seller immediately changed name from ionedream to id1_pro.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 6:26 PM

16GB Sony Pro Duo memory stick on ebay

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UK ebay member zai-fiz has listed a number of 16GB Sony Pro Duo memory sticks in ebay auctions at a start price of 99p with free P&P. We suspect these were purchased from one of the many fraudulent wholesalers supplying fake capacity flash memory.

The seller may be entirely unaware of the fact that there is such a thing as fake flash memory. We strongly suggest that ebay selllers test flash memory items with h2testw before offering them for sale otherwise they risk negative feedback and subsequent suspension from ebay.

As usual we strongly advise buyers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw before saving anything to it – otherwise you are at risk of file loss and corruption of data.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 5:05 PM

We think this Sandisk flash drive may well be counterfeit

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Why would someone buy a 32GB flash drive on ebay on 23rd June for £34.63 then sell it, apparently unused, on 30th August for £28.01?? We can only think of one reason – and it does not reflect well on the seller. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 2:05 PM

This ebay listing for a 32GB Sandisk flash drive looks dodgy to us

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We think the sandisk flash drives listed by burrows5264 could well be fake. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Seller in China listing fraudsters’ favourite fake flash drive

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gremlin2s Baby gremlin yanchuan1109 seems to be taking a different approach from other young gremlins that have started listing on ebay recently.

This new fraudster ID is listing these fakes at auction and loading the costs on the postage. This is a devious tactic to avoid ebay fees and wriggle out of giving buyers their money back when the seller is caught out.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 9:16 AM

We think these 64GB DataTraveler 150 drives are counterfeit

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We think the flash drives sold by hkfanonline are counterfeit. Buyers can check serial numbers with Kingston – we do not think they will verify them as genuine. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 1, 2009 at 6:57 AM