Fighting flash fraud on Ebay

The authors of this blog want to elimnate flash fraud on Ebay

Archive for September 6th, 2009

Gremlin in China sells fraudsters’ favourite to ebayer in France

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gremlin2sHere we have a gremlin from China who sold an ebay member in France the fraudsters’ favourite flash drive. This model has been sold by umpteen fraud IDs in China. Such drives cause file corruption and data loss.

No one should buy flash memory items from the far east. So far none of those who bought flash memory from bobby-seller seems to have tested their items as all left good feedback.

We think all flash memory from this seller will prove to be fake capacity. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 6, 2009 at 9:00 PM

Ebay member in France lists 128GB DT 150 – counterfeit!

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As Kingston do not make the DataTraveler 150 model of flash drive in 128GB the flash drives listed by bg-intl must be counterfeits. We expect Kingston will ask ebay to remove them for sale – anyone who bought one should claim a refund immediately. A quick phone call to Kingston will confirm what we are saying about these being counterfeit so there is no excuse for buyers not being refunded.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 6, 2009 at 7:00 PM

Suspect Sandisk listings from ebay member in Singapore

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Seller bangbon446609 has listed 32GB Sandisk USB flash drives and 16GB memory cards on ebay that we think are counterfeit and fake capacity. They are too cheap and listings are private – highly suspect.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 6, 2009 at 5:00 PM

Plenty of chance to destroy your data with these flash drives

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Seller kuailedwo is offering ebayers of losing vast amounts of data with these “64GB” USB flash drives – all at amazing prices, but then of course they will be amazingly fake. Want to ditch all the family’s photos? Want to make your spreadsheets vanish? Better still – want an excuse for not doing your college assigments? Buy one of these and all this can be yours!

Photos gone, spreadsheets corrupted, no point in doing any asignments – if you’ve got one of these they can magically vanish at any time – just tell the tutor you saved them to the flash drive and they have disappeared!

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 6, 2009 at 2:59 PM

Bold baby gremlin in Hong Kong lists 64GB flash drives on ebay

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gremlin2sAs well as the fraudsters’ favourite model of fake flash drive shown above bold baby gremlin cainan1682008 has listed a range of other 64GB flash drives on ebay including the DataTraveler 200. We are sure each and every one will prove to be fake capacity.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 6, 2009 at 12:04 PM

Listings by this ebayer for 32GB USB flash drives seem dodgy

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2009batfink If these 32GB USB flash drives listed by new ebay seller 2009batfink are genuine why is there no mention of the fact that it is a Sandisk Ultra Backup in the listing?

Sandisk is a respected and reliable brand – if you were selling genuine Sandisk flash drives would you not mention the brand in your listings? We would!!

We suspect that the lack of any mention of Sandisk may have something to do with the warning notice shown below.

This notice comes up when you try to list certain brand name items, including Sandisk flash drives, on ebay.

It is one of the few things ebay does to try and prevent counterfeits being listed on the site.

Be aware that counterfeit flash memory is always fake capacity and therefore dangerous to your files – eventually they will be lost/corrupted.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.
