Fighting flash fraud on Ebay

The authors of this blog want to elimnate flash fraud on Ebay

Archive for September 15th, 2009

This flash drive on ebay Italy is not made by Sony and not 64GB

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This flash drive listed on ebay Italy by seller magicomarket is counterfeit and fake capacity. The seller may not be aware of this but it is not made by Sony and will not have a capacity of 64GB. It seems that magicomarket has purchased these from one of the many wholesalers supplying counterfeit and fake capacity flash memory.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Looks like this ebayer in Italy is reselling fakes from a deregistered seller

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We think that luigixx86 bought these 16GB flash drives on ebay from a fraudster who is now de-registered. We are certain they will prove to be fake capacity causing file loss and corruption for users.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 10:28 PM

An ebay member in the United States with suspect listings

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We think the flash drives listed by ebay seller jkobi2332 look rather supect. Registered on ebay on the 13th August this seller still had no feedback when we looked on 13th September. This ebay member offers a range of USB flash drives for sale. We think they are all fake capacity items purchased from a fraudulent supplier.

Whether or not jkobi2332 has any idea that these are likely to be fake capacity we do not know for sure at the moment but we suspect the seller may well know. Some of the pictures are tiny and it looks to us as though some of them have been doctored.

If the seller is not a fraudster we suggests that he or she tests these drives with h2testw. If we are right about them being fake (which we are pretty sure we are) and the seller was unaware of it then we trust that jkobi2332 will refund those who have already bought as well as cancelling all current listings.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 8:56 PM

You can buy a very bad Christmas present indeed from this ebayer


We think that anyone who buys one of these flash drives from UK seller gaut as a Christmas present would be making a very big mistake indeed. Unless the person you are buying for is your deadly enemy you will regret it.

In fact, even if you bought it to take revenge on an enemy you’d regret it as file loss and corruption can be achieved for a much lower price than this. If you look around ebay you’ll find you can buy a nasty fake to corrupt your enemies data much cheaper than this!

Seller gaut may be unaware that this is the fraudsters’ favourite flash drive and that it is always fake capacity. The seller sourced these from one of the many fraudulent suppliers who will happily sell you fake capacity memory in any fantastic capacity you can think of.

It could be that gaut is involved in dropshipping – if so the seller won’t even clap eyes on these let alone have the chance to test them. Beware of drop-shipping folks – you have no control on the quality of the goods you sell.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 6:40 PM

Bold young gremlin lists fake 64GB USB flash drive on ebay

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gremlin2sThis flash drive listed by songxuan16889898 is the fraudsters’ favourite for programming to any fake capacity that takes their fancy – in this case 64GB. In truth it is unlikely to be able to store more than 3.7GB of data before files become lost/corrupted.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 4:36 PM

Will this be yet another seller with listings removed by ebay?


The vast majority of Kingston DataTraveler 150 flash drives listed on ebay are counterfeits and many are now being removed by ebay due to pressure being applied by Kingston. Our question is will the Kingston flash drives offered by UK seller bilalalimohamed join the long list of those removed from ebay?

Buyers should check the serial numbers of all high capacity Kingston drives with the company to ensure they are genuine.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 2:30 PM

Bold baby gremlin lists fraudsters’ favourite at 64GB on ebay

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gremlin2sThis flash drive listed by baby gremlin fionasfox2009 is very familiar to the frankenflash project. It is the fraudsters’ favourite model of flash drive and is always fake capacity – this causes users’ files to be lost or corrupted.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 12:43 PM

Want a fake 64GB flash drive cheap? Look no further!

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gremlin2sYoung gremlin yangyulinshop is offering you the opportunity to destroy large quantities of data with this fantastic fake at a fantastic price.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report your fake if testing confirms you have purchased fake capacity flash memory on ebay.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 10:16 AM

Very curious listings for Kingston flash drives on ebay

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Recently Kingston and other manufacturers have been gradually discontinuing lower capacity flash drives as consumer demand moves towards higher capacities. The drive shown in listings by UK seller amadiokpo seem to show one such drive -except we think it is probably not a genuine Kingston.

The model in question has always been colour coded according to capacity. Genuine USB flash drives of this type with green parts were 2GB – lower capacities were different colours. Kingston have discontinued all flash drives in this range below 4GB.

Fraudsters in China mass produced copies of the green and white 2GB model and programmed them to show all sorts of fake capacities from 16GB to 64GB. These dangerous fakes have been sold through fraudulent wholesalers for a long time.

They were also sold on ebay (either by fraudsters in China or by ebay members around the world who bought from fraudulent wholesalers) for a long time. Indeed, they still crop up on ebay occasionally at high fake capacities.

The green and white model is now (like the lower capacity blue and white and brown and white) consigned to Kingston history. We should not see too many ebay listings for these as 8GB, 16GB or higher in future. Now to the interesting bit!

How did UK ebay member amadiokpo come to list these as 265mb and 16GB as well as what one would expect (2GB) if they were genuine old 2GB Kingston stock being cleared out? No doubt members of the fightflashfraud team and other branches of the frankenflash project will already have guessed our thoughts!

At a guess it goes like this. The fraudsters in China were left with a mass of counterfeit drives of this type that had programmed to fake capacities left on their hands. They obviously could not get away with selling them as high capacity drives anymore – too many people knew the truth. What to do now??

Obvious – re-program them (yet again) but to a much lower capacity. However – each time a drive is reprogrammed in this way the fraud will be discovered sooner as the illusion of higher capacity becomes more difficut to maintain.

Only one way to go – program them much closer to the the true reamaining useable capacity (or even the actual remaining useable capacity) and get rid of them in bulk. What do we conclude – that these drives will have a short life although initially it may be possible to save close to the advertised capacity on them.

We think the drives may well be useable for small files you want to access elswhere (such as a word document that you want to access or print out on different computers when you are on the move) in the short term as long as you have the files backed up elsewehere – but we wouldn’t trust them with anything important!

We’d be interested to know if our conclusions prove correct.

We hope the seller and/or buyers test them with h2testw and let us know what they found.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 9:00 AM

Counterfeit Transcend flash drives sold on ebay India

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These 32GB USB Trancend flash drives were neither made by Transcend nor are they 32GB. Seems that seller purchased these counterfeits from a fraudulent supplier.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 7:24 AM

This flash drive on ebay is fake fake fakity fake

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This flash drive is a fake – not made by Sony and not 16GB. As binksybaby is using a private auction to sell this we suspect the seller knows. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 15, 2009 at 1:08 AM