Fighting flash fraud on Ebay

The authors of this blog want to elimnate flash fraud on Ebay

Archive for September 8th, 2009

A rather strange case with the fraudsters’ favourite flash drive

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The case of sales-producer is rather unusual. This model of USB flash drive is a favourite with fraudsters in the far east for reprogramming to fake capacities. Mostly the true capacity is below 2GB, but sometimes (when they are sold as 32GB or 64GB) they have a true capacity of 4GB.

This seller advertises them as 4GB and we think this may have been their original capacity. However, a member of the frankenflash project has received two of these from sales-producer and both failed testing with h2testw.

One failed at just over 3GB and the other at just under 3GB. We wonder if this could be a result of them previously been re-programmed to fake capacities. Reprogramming of low quality flash memory can cause progressively worse failure each time the memory is programmmed to a new capacity.

We suspect this may be the case with these 4GB flash drives sold by sales-producer. In some ways this could be almost more dangerous than an outright fake as users are not likely to run into problems for months!

We strongly advise ebayers not to purchase this model of flash drive from any seller whatsoever. We have never found one of these that passed testing with h2testw. Eventually anyone using a flash memory item that fails this test will run into problems such as lost and/or corrupted files.

We advise everyone who buys flash memory items to test them with the free program h2testw irrespective of where they were purchased – otherwise you run the risk of data loss and corruption.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have purchased a false capacity device on ebay.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 8, 2009 at 8:29 PM

Kingston do not sell the DataTraveler 100 in 128GB capacity!

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The 128GB Kingston DataTraveler flash drives listed by Australian seller sbillorr25 are counterfeit. This model of flash drive is not made in 128GB capacity. The seller may be unaware that these are counterfeits with a fake capacity that will cause users’ files to become lost and corrupted.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 8, 2009 at 7:04 PM

You are only one click away from an expensive fake flash drive


Powerseller ceo1shop registered on ebay Hong Kong seems to be a long standing ebay fraudster. This seller is apparently offering you an expensive way of losing and corrupting your files with this “8GB” flash drive which we are sure is fake capacity.

These are on buy it now at £23.74. You can buy a genuine 8GB flash drive from several UK websites for around half this. Do not buy flash memory (or, looking at feedback, almost anything else) from ceo1shop! Seems that this seller has a rather poor customer service record.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 8, 2009 at 4:55 PM

Another bold gremlin offering fake 64GB flash drives on ebay

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gremlin2sSeems qiangshop168 is another bold young gremlin offering you the chance to lose lots of data by purchasing this classic 64GB fake. This model is the fraudsters’ favourite flash drive – Why?

It is easy to program to any fake capacity the fraud gangs decide on and seems attractive to buyers. Over the last few months fraudsters have seldom programmed this fake to display such a high capacity.

It seems the recent gremlins that are popping out of Chinese waters at a rate of knots are bolder than their predecessors. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 8, 2009 at 2:00 PM

Australian ebay seller with apparently fake 128GB flash drives

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A feedback comment left for seller ram.man99 seems to confirm our suspicions that these 128GB USB flash drives are fake capacity. As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing
confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 8, 2009 at 11:48 AM

Would modom like a fake SD card to go with those earrings?

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evilearings We think that evil1314520 chose an ID that matches well with recent activities on ebay. We consider the sale of fake capacity flash memory evil as it leads to data loss and corruption.


gremlin2sThis seller was only listing jewellery items on ebay early in August but at the end of the month this member switched to listing 32GB SD cards. We are convinced the SD cards sold by evil1314520 will turn out to be fake capacity. Sadly most victims learn there is a problem too late to do anything about it.

As usual we strongly advise ebayers to test all flash memory with the free program h2testw.

Report in to SOSFakeFlash if your testing confirms you have a false capacity device.

Written by fightflashfraud

September 8, 2009 at 9:21 AM